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At sea – Febru­ary 18th-21st, 2017

The Sou­thern Oce­an does have a good repu­ta­ti­on for bad reason. Talk about the furious fif­ties and the screa­ming six­ties. That brings a cou­ple of ques­ti­on marks regar­ding our well­be­ing during the days of the crossing and the time frame. A force 10 on the nose, and you can suf­fer and watch your pre­cious time melt like ice in the suns­hi­ne.

And this time? King Nep­tu­ne is with us so far. We have got a lively wes­ter­ly bree­ze for some time, but it just brings a litt­le trai­ning ses­si­on in beco­ming a sail­or. No more than that. We can keep an avera­ge speed of a good 11 knots, which takes us in a mere four days from Camp­bell Island to Cape Ada­re. An easy and rela­xed crossing, we are doing well!

Ant­ar­c­ti­ca, we are coming!

The pic­tu­re shows our good heli­c­op­ter pilots and mecha­nics while pre­pa­ring flights in Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. We hope to give them a lot of work in a few days time!

Our heli team – At sea – Febru­ary 18th-21st, 2017

last modification: 2017-03-30 · copyright: Rolf Stange