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New vir­tu­al tour: Ver­nad­sky Base

Many ant­ar­c­tic visi­tors have enjoy­ed the hos­pi­ta­li­ty of the Ukrai­ni­an Ver­nad­sky Base. Now you can visit Ver­nad­sky wit­hout actual­ly tra­ve­ling to Ant­ar­c­ti­ca: the­re is now a new, com­ple­te pan­ora­ma tour of the base on this web­site, from sel­ec­ted sci­en­ti­fic working are­as to the famous Fara­day Bar. Click here and have fun!

Click here to enter the new vir­tu­al tour through Ver­nad­sky Base.

Vernadsky Base virtual tour

last modification: 2022-08-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange