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Home* Triplogs with photo galleriesAntarctic blog → Dra­ke-Pas­sa­ge – 04 Febru­ar 2018

Dra­ke-Pas­sa­ge – 04 Febru­ar 2018

Anyo­ne who might have thought that we had had our share of wind, water and waves had to rea­li­se that the Dra­ke Pas­sa­ge still had some more in stock for us when the wind just kept get­ting stron­ger yes­ter­day after­noon. The wind­me­ter hard­ly fell below 30 knots and rather went bey­ond the 50 mark. That is force 10 on the Beau­fort sca­le, „storm“, sim­ply and plain­ly. Sounds gre­at, doesn’t it? At least from a distance … alt­hough, I have to admight: I don’t want to miss my turn on the stee­ring wheel in the evening and I mean it! Wild and beau­tiful. The over­whel­ming powers of natu­re. The waves may have been up to 8-9 met­res high, of cour­se the­re is no way of kno­wing accu­ra­te­ly, but that should be quite rea­li­stic. The how­ling of the wind was by no means dis­ap­poin­ting eit­her.

Gal­lery – Dra­ke-Pas­sa­ge – 04 Febru­ar 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Later, Heinz shut the ship down. Engi­ne off, sails redu­ced to the storm fock. It work­ed sur­pri­sin­gly well and life on board was actual­ly quite ok. Yes­ter­day was inde­ed the first day sin­ce Thurs­day or so that we saw ever­y­bo­dy up and about again. Of cour­se, that is some­thing not to be missed: storm off Cape Horn … gre­at!

Now we are back to cour­se and speed again, towards Cape Horn. We have lost 20 hours or so, but now we are on the way!

last modification: 2018-02-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange