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Daily Archives: 20. March 2018 − News & Stories

Cale­ta Pro­fun­do – Isla Hose: 20 March 2018

Magel­lan dis­co­ver­ed the strait that he got named after him in 1520 during the famous voya­ge that was to beco­me the very first cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­on of the glo­be. A gre­at advan­ta­ge for us: we know that the Strait of Magel­lan exists and whe­re it is, so we can easi­ly enjoy the pas­sa­ge of the eas­tern part, which we do hap­pi­ly while the wea­ther is good for this long chan­nel.

Caleta Profundo - Isla Hose

Ano­ther beau­tiful quiet and remo­te bay and after all: the Sun!

After a pas­sa­ge of 30 hours, we ente­red Canal Smyth north of the Strait of Magel­lan, lea­ving Tier­ra del Fue­go behind us now. The anchor went down in a love­ly Cale­ta, one of the­se sweet, litt­le bays made by the gla­ciers just for sai­ling boats. It takes always a bit of clim­bing on the steep, slip­pery shores to get the shore­li­nes fixed, which is good fun, and once it is done, you have an almost bombpro­of place for the night, in most cases (still, we usual­ly keep an anchor­watch).

We still had time to explo­re the sur­roun­dings in the mor­ning, and we even had suns­hi­ne on top of it! Can you belie­ve it? It had been a while, the­se waters are not exact­ly suns­hi­ne coun­try. Still, it is beau­tiful here in almost any kind of wea­ther, but of cour­se it is so much more enjoya­ble when the sun is out. All the­se colours! All the­se shades of green in the lush coas­tal forests! The water, the sky, the clouds, the land … breath­ta­kin­gly beau­tiful on a day like this. Bay, nar­row chan­nels … A Rin­ged king­fi­sher was sit­ting on a branch as if it was get­ting paid for it.

Ringed kingfisher

Pho­to­shoo­ting with a Rin­ged king­fi­sher

Later, we had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to stretch legs a bit on Isla Hose, kree­ping through the den­se­ly vege­ta­ted forests while try­ing to get up a hill to enjoy some gre­at views. Now we are enjoy­ing a calm night in ano­ther well-shel­te­red Cale­ta while some hea­vy wea­ther is said to come up out­side. Shouldn’t real­ly bother us in here.

Gal­lery – Cale­ta Pro­fun­do – Isla Hose: 20 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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