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Daily Archives: 24. March 2018 − News & Stories

Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca – 24 March 2018

After a long day out and a fore­cast with a lot of wind for the night, what we nee­ded was a good Cale­ta to pro­vi­de a shel­te­red ancho­ra­ge for a night.

Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca can be recom­men­ded for that pur­po­se. It starts a bit like Decep­ti­on Island: you approach a steep coast, a nar­row ent­rance with rocks in the water, steep cliffs on both sides (a bit gree­ner here than on Decep­ti­on Island), ever­y­bo­dy starts pla­cing bets if the ship will actual­ly fit through it – of cour­se, it works, the skip­per knows what he is doing. Then, a love­ly bay opens, a real pira­te hidea­way. A love­ly place to make a ship storm­pro­of for the night.

Caleta Villarica

Will it fit? It will! Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca

Wal­king in the­se forests is not for the faint-hear­ted. We could have used a chain­saw, ropes and a lad­der for that litt­le walk which in open ter­rain would have taken may­be 10 minu­tes. India­na Jones would have been ama­zed by the den­si­ty of this rain forest.

As always, the view was worth it!

Dense forest in the Caleta Villarica

India­na Jones would have enjoy­ed this: Den­se forest in the Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca

The bay of Caleta Villarica

The ama­zing view over Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca was worth the strugg­le through the bush

Gal­lery – Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca – 24 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Ama­lia Gla­cier – 24 March 2018

Puer­to Bue­no lived up to its name and gave us a beau­tiful and calm night. Very plea­sant. Which was fol­lo­wed by a stun­ning sun­ri­se and a new wea­ther fore­cast, which gave us some more time befo­re the next peri­od of strong wind is sup­po­sed to come. So we could set cour­se for the Ama­lia Gla­cier, which was gre­at, becau­se we had all been loo­king for­ward to it. We went under sail and suns­hi­ne with the view of the Cam­po de hie­lo, the inland ice of Pata­go­nia, in the distance. Gre­at sai­ling.

Sunrise in the

Sun­ri­se in the “Good Har­bour”, Puer­to Bue­no

We were fol­lo­wed by dol­phins on the last miles to the famous Ama­lia Gla­cier, a stun­ning blue ice cliff lea­ding up the the snow- and ice-cover­ed moun­ta­ins in the area of the inland ice. Again, we were lucky with the wea­ther and had gre­at views; often the who­le moun­tain sce­n­ery is hid­den low clouds. Ano­ther gre­at day!

So, tonight it is sup­po­sed to be win­dy. We have set cour­se for a small bay whe­re the wind should not bother us too much. All the­se gre­at ancho­ra­ges here in coas­tal Pata­go­nia are real­ly a tre­asu­re. A gre­at con­ve­ni­ence and always a scenic plea­su­re.

Amalia Glacier

The cliffs of the Ama­lia gla­cier

Gal­lery – Ama­lia Gla­cier – 24 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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