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Daily Archives: 15. February 2020 − News & Stories

Bluff – get­ting rea­dy for Ant­ar­c­ti­ca

Did you know that Bluff is not just the sou­thern­most town in New Zea­land but also the oldest one? James Spen­cer sett­led down here in 1824 and foun­ded a fishing sta­ti­on which employ­ed 21 peo­p­le.

Today, the num­ber of inha­bi­tants has grown well bey­ond 21 and they have all sorts of pro­fes­si­ons well bey­ond fishing.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Such as hel­ping peo­p­le like us who are about to get rea­dy for a very long ant­ar­c­tic voya­ge. The amounts of food stuffs, fuels and other sup­pli­es that we get deli­ver­ed to the ship are quite incre­di­ble. And it is quite a bit of work to get that all on board … but even­tu­ell it is done and the­re is still time for a good walk, up the hill to the view­point, down to the coast at Loo­kout Point on the other side and back along the coast­li­ne. Gre­at views, gre­at sce­n­ery, gre­at remants of the ori­gi­nal moun­tain forests. A mild ocea­nic bree­ze and wide views over the south end of New Zea­land, Ste­wart Island and the Sou­thern Oce­an. That’s whe­re we will be very soon, hea­ding south.


News-Listing live generated at 2024/September/21 at 03:00:58 Uhr (GMT+1)