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Monthly Archives: October 2014 − News & Stories

Bel­o­rus­sia plans Ant­ar­c­tic sta­ti­on

Bel­o­rus­sia wants to add yet ano­ther one to the alre­a­dy impres­si­ve num­ber of sta­ti­ons in the “untouch­ed” wil­der­ness of Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. Work is plan­ned to com­mence in 2015, and in 2017, the new sta­ti­on is sche­du­led to be lar­ge­ly ope­ra­ti­ve. An agree­ment about a sci­en­ti­fic and logi­sti­cal coope­ra­ti­on was signed in St. Peters­burg in the pre­sence of the pre­si­dents Putin and Lukaschen­ko.

The new sta­ti­on will be situa­ted at Mount Vecher­n­ya­ya in Tha­la (Tala) Hills, in Enderby Land, East Ant­ar­c­ti­ca.

A per­ma­nent pre­sence in Ant­ar­c­ti­ca is neces­sa­ry for a coun­try to enjoy full mem­ber rights in the Ant­ar­c­tic Trea­ty sys­tem.

Rus­si­an sta­ti­on Bel­lings­hau­sen in “untouch­ed” ant­ar­c­tic natu­re. Bel­o­rus­sia is now plan­ning yet ano­ther sta­ti­on.

Russian station Bellingshausen

Source: Bela­ru­si­an News


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