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HomeTri­plogs & pho­to gal­le­riesAnt­ar­c­tic 2017/18Pata­go­nia 2018 → Gal­lery 2: Est­r­echo Magel­la­nes-Puer­to Edén

Patagonia part 2: Estrecho Magellanes-Puerto Edén

Next to the beau­tiful sce­n­ery, the Strait of Magel­lan (Est­r­echo Magel­la­nes) brought us many miles against the wind, so we were hap­py when we could enter ano­ther well-shel­te­red Cale­ta again, as the litt­le bays, often very useful natu­ral har­bours, are cal­led here. Every Cale­ta is dif­fe­rent in one or ano­ther way, all of them have got some­thing to offer. Shel­ter, as a start, from the usual­ly strong winds of Pata­go­nia, that’s the first thing that we usual­ly wan­ted as we ente­red any Cale­ta. But we always found much more than that. A gre­at place for some good hiking, short or long, or the chan­ce to explo­re the chan­nels and coasts by Zodiac. May­be see­ing some wild­life, inclu­ding birds such as the Rin­ged king­fi­sher (Mega­ceryle tor­qua­ta). Con­side­ring all the­se pos­si­bi­li­ties, Cale­ta Pro­fun­do was cer­tain­ly no dis­ap­point­ment. And it does help when the sun comes out! 🙂

Later, the wea­ther made clear who ruled ever­y­thing in Pata­go­nia (as if we had been in doubt about that!). If you can’t take a bit of wind and rain, then this is sim­ply not your place. But we found shel­ter and inte­res­t­ing places to explo­re in Cale­ta Dar­dé (Isla Hose) and later in Cale­ta Mal­let (Pen­in­su­la Zach).

The Ama­lia gla­cier was among­st the high­lights to come, some­thing we had all been loo­king for­ward to. Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca and Cale­ta Coli­bri, a place that kept the pro­mi­se given by the name, pro­vi­ded beau­tiful places to seek shel­ter and to explo­re, befo­re we rea­ched Puer­to Edén, the first out­post of civi­li­sa­ti­on for us sin­ce we had left Puer­to Wil­liams.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To the Gal­lery:   Ushua­ia-Canal Mag­da­le­na   Est­r­echo Magel­la­nes-Puer­to Edén   Canal Mes­sier bis Gol­fo de Penas   Bahía Anna Pink bis Puer­to Montt


last modification: 2018-06-26 · copyright: Rolf Stange