Gallery 4: Bahía Anna Pink bis Puerto Montt
It was good to reach sheltered waters again after the passage up from the Golfo de Penas. Bahía Anna Pink and the subsequent waterways treated us well with warm weather and brilliant sunshine, providing a very pleasant passage on deck while enjoying the views of wood-covered mountainsides under a blue sky.
In Caleta Gato, we found a good anchorage, solid ground to walk on and an environment that made a rather tropical impression on us, and in case someone was still cold, this could be helped by a bath in the hot springs of Termas de Punta Perez – well, depending where exactly the water came from into which you inserted the various parts of your body 🙂
Isla Canal gave us a last experience of the very dense forests, before we ventured north towards more civilised waters. Although the Golfo Corcovado did not make a civilised impression on us at all, being rough and windy, which reduced both the pleasure of the passage and the remaining time so we had to drop the idea of visiting Isla Chiloe and headed directly for Puerto Montt in the end.
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To the Gallery: → Ushuaia-Canal Magdalena → Estrecho Magellanes-Puerto Edén → Canal Messier bis Golfo de Penas → Bahía Anna Pink bis Puerto Montt
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last modification: 2018-06-26 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange