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HomeTri­plogs & pho­to gal­le­riesAnt­ar­c­tic 2017/18Pata­go­nia 2018 → Gal­lery 4: Bahía Anna Pink bis Puer­to Montt

Gallery 4: Bahía Anna Pink bis Puerto Montt

It was good to reach shel­te­red waters again after the pas­sa­ge up from the Gol­fo de Penas. Bahía Anna Pink and the sub­se­quent water­ways trea­ted us well with warm wea­ther and bril­li­ant suns­hi­ne, pro­vi­ding a very plea­sant pas­sa­ge on deck while enjoy­ing the views of wood-cover­ed moun­ta­in­si­des under a blue sky.

In Cale­ta Gato, we found a good ancho­ra­ge, solid ground to walk on and an envi­ron­ment that made a rather tro­pi­cal impres­si­on on us, and in case someone was still cold, this could be hel­ped by a bath in the hot springs of Ter­mas de Pun­ta Perez – well, depen­ding whe­re exact­ly the water came from into which you inser­ted the various parts of your body 🙂

Isla Canal gave us a last expe­ri­ence of the very den­se forests, befo­re we ven­tu­red north towards more civi­li­sed waters. Alt­hough the Gol­fo Cor­co­va­do did not make a civi­li­sed impres­si­on on us at all, being rough and win­dy, which redu­ced both the plea­su­re of the pas­sa­ge and the remai­ning time so we had to drop the idea of visi­ting Isla Chi­loe and hea­ded direct­ly for Puer­to Montt in the end.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To the Gal­lery:   Ushua­ia-Canal Mag­da­le­na   Est­r­echo Magel­la­nes-Puer­to Edén   Canal Mes­sier bis Gol­fo de Penas   Bahía Anna Pink bis Puer­to Montt


last modification: 2018-06-26 · copyright: Rolf Stange