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McMurdo Sound


McMur­do Sound is situa­ted in the sou­thwes­tern Ross Sea, bet­ween Ross Island with Mount Ere­bus in the east, the Ross Ice Shelf in the south and the Trans­ant­ar­c­tic Moun­ta­ins with the Dry Val­leys in the west. A place of ant­ar­c­tic dreams: the­re is a lot the­re that you may intui­tively pic­tu­re in your mind when you think »Ant­ar­c­ti­ca«.

Pan­ora­mas McMur­do Sound

  1. McMur­do Sound – Fast ice edge
  2. McMur­do Base
  3. Hut Point
  4. Obser­va­ti­on Hill
  5. Cape Evans
  6. Cape Royds (Pano-Tour)
  7. McMur­do Dry Val­leys – Tay­lor Val­ley

Other pan­ora­mas from the Ross Sea

  1. Beau­fort Island
  2. Coul­man Island / Dani­ell Pen­in­su­la
  3. Cape Ada­re
  4. Frank­lin Island
  5. Gond­wa­na Base (Ger­man Rese­arch Sta­ti­on)
  6. Mario Zuc­chel­li Base (Ita­li­an Rese­arch Sta­ti­on)


last modification: 2019-09-17 · copyright: Rolf Stange