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Photo gallery Falkland Islands

After depar­tu­re from Puer­to Madryn and two days at sea, we rea­ched the nor­thwes­tern out­liers of the Falk­land Islands. Fan­ta­stic Falk­land was the mot­to of the day, and that’s what we got! A very win­dy, but sun­ny and love­ly day it was inde­ed, with some quite splas­hy and slight­ly adven­tur­ous zodiac rides at least for tho­se who had not done it befo­re. On Car­cass Island, we lan­ded on the far wes­tern end whe­re we enjoy­ed the mor­ning with lots of wild­life and gre­at Falk­lands sce­n­ery. Gen­too and Magel­la­nic pen­gu­ins, Kelp and Upland geese, of cour­se the famous Stria­ted Cara­ca­ra, lots of small birds (remem­ber, Car­cass Island is rat free) – you name it, it was the­re.

Saun­ders Island was not an opti­on due to the high winds, but we mana­ged a second landing on West­point Island, whe­re we enjoy­ed a litt­le walk up to the mixed colo­ny at the Devil’s Nose: Black-bro­wed Alba­tros­ses and Rock­hop­per pen­gu­ins, both pre­sent in lar­ge num­bers and love­ly to obser­ve from clo­se distances. Fan­ta­stic Falk­lands, real­ly! We got it all – almost. We missed out on the famous Falk­land Tea. A tra­ge­dy! If you have ever tas­ted a real Falk­land „tea“ (a very sub­stan­ti­al affair and serious­ly no weight­wat­chers’ busi­ness), then you know what I mean.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:    Falk­lands    South Geor­gia    South Sand­wich    Ant­ar­c­ti­ca


last modification: 2014-03-26 · copyright: Rolf Stange