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HomePho­tos, vide­os, pan­ora­masAnt­ar­c­tic Pan­ora­masMcMur­do Sound → Coul­man Island / Dani­ell Pen­in­su­la

Coulman Island / Daniell Peninsula


Coul­man Island is situa­ted near the coast of Dani­ell Pen­in­su­la, which is a part of Vic­to­ria Land, on the west side of the Ross Sea at 73°30′ S/169°45′E. The island is a com­plex of seve­ral shield vol­ca­noes, inclu­ding at least one cal­de­ra, but all most­ly gla­cier-cover­ed. The­re are seve­ral Emper­or pen­gu­in colo­nies in the area. Coul­man Island is known sin­ce it was dis­co­ver­ed on Janu­ary 17, 1841, by James Clark Ross, who named it after his father in law. Later, on Janu­ary 15, 1902, Robert F. Scott lan­ded at Cape Wad­worth on the nor­t­hern tip of the island and left a mes­sa­ge.

Coul­man Island is sepa­ra­ted from the ant­ar­c­tic coast, the Trans­ant­ar­c­tic Moun­ta­ins, by Gla­cier Strait. The­se three pan­ora­mas show the coast of the Ant­ar­c­tic con­ti­nent (Vic­to­ria Land) near Coul­man Island.

No 360° pan­ora­ma, only works with the Flash Play­er on mobi­le devices, for exam­p­le, with the → Puf­fin-Brow­ser.

No 360° pan­ora­ma, only works with the Flash Play­er on mobi­le devices, for exam­p­le, with the → Puf­fin-Brow­ser.

No 360° pan­ora­ma, only works with the Flash Play­er on mobi­le devices, for exam­p­le, with the → Puf­fin-Brow­ser.

Kein 360°-Panorama, funk­tio­niert nur mit dem Flash-Play­er, auf mobi­len Gerä­ten zum Bei­spiel mit dem → Puf­fin-Brow­ser.


last modification: 2014-05-13 · copyright: Rolf Stange