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Detaille Island - Antarctica

Detail­le Island is near the coast of the Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la, but south of the polar cir­cle and accor­din­gly off the (rela­tively) well-trod­den tou­rist path of the Ger­la­che Strait and Lemai­re Chan­nel are­as fur­ther north. Next the nice views to the pen­in­su­la and over stran­ded ice­bergs, the small island – it is only a few hundred met­res across – has the old Bri­tish “Base W”, built in 1956 and aban­do­ned alre­a­dy in 1959 becau­se of dif­fi­cul­ties to reach the island due to the often hea­vy ice situa­ti­on. Base W has recent­ly been reno­va­ted and offers some very nice insight of life of an old Ant­ar­c­tic base to the occa­sio­nal visi­tor.


last modification: 2016-05-31 · copyright: Rolf Stange