Panoramas St. Andrews Bay
St. Andrews Bay is one of those great, amazing places on Earth, but as it is so often, the greatest places are not always the easiest ones to get to. The wide bay does not offer much shelter against the ever-present swell of the Southern Ocean, and heavy surf is accordingly quite normal on the wide beach. You can try to sneak in behind some rocks on the northern end – good luck. You have to get there on a good day, otherwise it will not be possible to get ashore.
Once there, you will be welcomed by Elephant seals and Fur seals in large numbers. King penguins are everywhere. The easiest way to get away from the landing site is usually a bit inland, where the density of wildlife is mostly a bit lower than next to the coast. On your way to the colony, you will have to cross a glacial stream, which is sometimes quite easy, at other times more challening, depending on the amount of water at the time you are there. Even if you decide not to cross: the wildlife is stunning. But you have to cross to get to the moraine hills, because it is from there that you have the view over the main colony of King penguins. And this view is truly breathtaking, as the colony is the largest of its kind in South Georgia, and this means quite something. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of Kings. Just sit on those hills, jaws dropped, enjoy the spectacle and hope the weather remains stable. Lucky ones who have been there and seen it.
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last modification: 2014-05-14 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange