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Ant­ar­c­tic Pan­ora­mas

During the Ross Sea trip in Janu­ary-Febru­ary 2013, I star­ted to explo­re the pos­si­bi­li­ties of pan­ora­ma pho­to­gra­phy, using a full-frame DSLR, a pan­ora­ma head and a fish-eye len­se. HDR tech­ni­ques were often used, espe­ci­al­ly insi­de the his­to­ri­cal huts, to con­trol the extre­me varia­ti­on in bright­ness, from the dark shadows to brigh­ter are­as. The results are acces­si­ble through the links and inter­ac­ti­ve maps this page. I feel pri­vi­le­ged that I have been able to pho­to­graph such ama­zing and remo­te places this way – plea­se enjoy the results! They are not all tech­ni­cal­ly com­ple­te­ly per­fect, but I think that they nevert­hel­ess pro­vi­de an enjoya­ble visu­al jour­ney to some places which are sacred grounds for many polar enthu­si­asts.

Antarctic Panoramas - 360°-Panoramas

Using the map below you will find navigab­le 360° ant­ar­c­tic pan­ora­mas – on desk­top sys­tems also in full screen mode (right but­ton with arrows poin­ting out­wards in the pano)

Tra­vel Ant­ar­c­tic online – Click on the maps below to the mar­ker and have a good look around – direct­ly from the sofa, wit­hout get­ting cold or sea­sick and it does not cost a pen­ny.

For more tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on on how to dis­play pan­ora­mas, plea­se see the the pano hint below

Ant­ar­c­tic Pan­ora­mas

  1. Natio­nal Park Tier­ra del Fue­go, not far from Ushua­ia
  2. Falk­lands
    1. Car­cass Island
    2. West­point Island
  3. South Geor­gia
    1. Gryt­vi­ken impres­si­ve pano tour
    2. St. Andrews Bay
    3. Gold Har­bour
  4. South Sand­wich Islands
  5. South Ork­ney Islands FOL­LOWS LATER
  6. South Shet­land Islands
    1. Decep­ti­on Island
    2. Base Decep­ción
    3. Pen­dulum Cove
    4. Wha­lers Bay
    5. Pen­gu­in Island
    6. Half Moon Island
    7. Yan­kee Har­bour
  7. Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la
    1. Ple­neau Island
    2. Neko Har­bour
    3. Para­di­se Bay
    4. Port Lock­roy pan­o­r­amic tour
    5. Detail­le Island
    6. Ver­nad­sky Sta­ti­on pan­o­r­amic tour
    7. Wordie House pan­o­r­amic tour
    8. Enter­pri­se Island
    9. Mel­chi­or Islands
    10. Peter­mann Island
    11. Water­boat Point
  8. Peter I Island
  9. Ross Sea, McMur­do Sound:
    1. McMur­do Sound – Fast ice edge
    2. McMur­do Base
    3. Hut Point
    4. Obser­va­ti­on Hill
    5. Cape Evans pan­o­r­amic tour
    6. Cape Royds pan­o­r­amic tour
    7. McMur­do Dry Val­leys – Tay­lor Val­ley
    8. Beau­fort Island
    9. Coul­man Island / Dani­ell Pen­in­su­la
    10. Cape Ada­re pan­o­r­amic tour
    11. Frank­lin Island
    12. Gond­wa­na Base (Ger­man Rese­arch Sta­ti­on)
    13. Mario Zuc­chel­li Base (Ita­li­an Rese­arch Sta­ti­on)
  10. Camp­bell Island

Loca­ti­on Maps

Click the mar­ker to get to the cor­re­spon­ding pan­ora­mas. For non-clickable items, the­re are no pan­ora­mas at the moment.




Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la, South Shet­land Islands, Detail­le Island


Ross Sea


McMur­do Sound


South Geor­gia

How to dis­play pan­ora­mas 

On this page, you will find navigab­le 360 degree pan­ora­ma shots. Click the play-but­ton to load the pan­ora­ma. You can then navi­ga­te with your mou­se or the but­tons at the bot­tom end of each pan­ora­ma. If you have a touch screen, then you can also easi­ly scroll through the pan­ora­ma with your fin­ger­tips. Desk­top-com­pu­ters will use Flash (if instal­led) and mobi­le devices HTML5 to screen the pan­ora­mas. HTML5 does not show the navi­ga­ti­on but­tons at the lower rim of each pan­ora­ma. Flash-users can also view the pan­ora­ma in full screen mode. To do so, click the but­ton on the far right end, with the four arrows poin­ting at the cor­ners. To see the navi­ga­ti­on but­tons, you have to load the pan­ora­ma first and you have to have a recent Flash­play­er instal­led. This will be the case for most up-to-date desk­top and lap­top com­pu­ters. Mobi­le devices do nor­mal­ly not sup­port Flash.


The lar­ger one of the two heli­c­op­ters during the Ross Sea trip on board MV Ort­eli­us in ear­ly 2013. Wit­hout the­se two helos (and their gre­at pilots and mecha­nics!), we would have missed a lot on this trip. Some important places are fore­see­ab­ly not acces­si­ble wit­hout heli­c­op­ters, as they are most­ly deep in ice, such as McMur­do Base (inclu­ding Hut Point and Obser­va­ti­on Hill). Others are prin­ci­pal­ly inac­ces­si­ble wit­hout the­se fly­ing machi­nes, no mat­ter how good the con­di­ti­ons are. For exam­p­le magi­cal Tay­lor Val­ley (Dry Val­leys).


Neumayer Channel Wordie House Vernadsky Station Vernadsky Station Detaille Insel Penguin Island Deception Island Port Lockroy Paradise Bay Neko Harbour Pleneau Island Panoramas: Peter I Island Panoramas: Antarctic Peninsula Panoramas: South Shetland Inseln Panoramas: Falkland Islands South Sandwich Islands Panoramas: South Georgia Detaille Insel Nationalpark Tierra del Fuego Panoramas: Ross Sea McMurdo Sound Observation Hill Hut Point McMurdo Base Beaufort Island McMurdo Dry Valleys - Taylor Valley Cape Evans Cape Royds Kap Adare Coulman Island / Daniell Peninsula McMurdo Sound Gold Harbour St. Andrews Bay Grytviken
last modification: 2021-03-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange