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Photo Gallery South Georgia

Ano­ther three days at sea – pret­ty calm and lots of birds around the ship at most times – took us to South Geor­gia, this jewel of natu­re and wild­life in the Sou­thern Ocean.South Geor­gia has got a repu­ta­ti­on for dif­fi­cult wea­ther and sea con­di­ti­ons, but we were lucky (an important fea­ture that remain­ed with us for most of the trip) and got some ama­zing landings. Salis­bu­ry Plain was a bit grey and wet, but we made it ashore and to the King pen­gu­ins, some­thing not every can cla­im who has been clo­se to tho­se surf bea­ches. It was real­ly only Pri­on Island whe­re we could not land, both wes­ter­ly winds and eas­ter­ly seas made it just impos­si­ble.

Gryt­vi­ken is South Georgia’s best natu­ral har­bour and accor­din­gly most­ly easy, still a gre­at stopp that has a lot to offer – and so is St. Andrews Bay in its very uni­que way, a place whe­re you should never expect to be able to land, you need to be real­ly lucky to do so. We were lucky and got an ama­zing after­noon with South Georgia’s big­gest King pen­gu­in colo­ny and lots of migh­ty Ele­phant seals.

Next ear­ly mor­ning, Gold Har­bour, many a guide’s favou­ri­te for good reasons – wild­life and sce­n­ery, and it work­ed beau­tiful­ly, from sun­ny moments to near zero visi­bi­li­ty due to snow show­ers being rus­hed through by gusts. Every kind of light you can ima­gi­ne within a few ear­ly mor­ning hours. Then, we got to see Mac­ca­ro­ni pen­gu­ins and some ama­zing bits of coas­tal sce­n­ery, befo­re having a look into Dry­gal­ski Fjord, which was, howe­ver, most­ly hid­den behind snow show­ers. Any­way, we have had more than our share of beau­tiful South Geor­gia, time to lea­ve and set cour­se – for the South Sand­wich Islands! Guess how exci­ted we were on board … (and tired, after tho­se three days!).

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:    Falk­lands    South Geor­gia    South Sand­wich    Ant­ar­c­ti­ca


last modification: 2014-03-26 · copyright: Rolf Stange