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Antarctic Literature

This list is not at all com­pre­hen­si­ve, it is just a choice of books which I find useful, infor­ma­ti­ve, good rea­ding mat­ter … it is curr­ent­ly a start only, but will be added to in future.

Below, you will find the fol­lo­wing sec­tions: Ant­ar­c­ti­ca, Ant­ar­c­tic Histo­ry, Falk­land Islands and South Geor­gia.


  • McGo­nig­al, David and Dr Wood­worth, Lynn (Edi­tors, 2001): The Com­ple­te Ency­clo­pe­dia Ant­ar­c­ti­ca and the Arc­tic (published by Fire­fly Books, ISBN 1-55297-545-2). 608 colourful pages which cover almost any­thing from natu­ral histo­ry, wild­life and detail­ed chap­ters on the histo­ry of rese­arch and explo­ra­ti­on. Lar­ge­ly focus­sing on Ant­ar­c­ti­ca.
  • Schil­lat, Moni­ka (Edi­tor, 2001): First Ant­ar­c­tic Rea­der (Ushua­ia, Fue­gia. ISBN 987-96999-1-2). Seven chap­ters on various sub­jects such as histo­ry, modern tra­vel­ling in Ant­ar­c­ti­ca, Glo­bal Chan­ge in Ant­ar­c­ti­ca and others. Short, inte­res­t­ing and enter­tai­ning, writ­ten by a sel­ec­ted handfull of today’s lea­ding Ant­ar­c­tic experts.
  • Shiri­hai, Hado­ram: The com­ple­te Gui­de to Ant­ar­c­tic Wild­life (published in the EU by Alu­la Press Oy and in the US and Cana­da by Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty Press. ISBN 0-691-11414-5). 510 pages, a detail­ed intro­duc­tion into the wild­life of Ant­ar­c­ti­ca and the Sou­thern Oce­an, inclu­ding the sub­ant­ar­c­tic islands and the Falk­land Islands. The main focus is taxo­no­my, infor­ma­ti­on about beha­viour and eco­lo­gy is less detail­ed.
  • Soper, Tony (third ed. 2000): Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. A Gui­de to the Wild­life (Bradt Tra­vel Gui­des (Eng­land) and The Glo­be Pequot Press Inc (US). ISBN 1 84162 019 X). 144 pages about the most important wild­life spe­ci­es you might encoun­ter during a trip to Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. Good first intro­duc­tion and over­view.
  • Wil­liams, Tony D. (1995): The Pen­gu­ins (published by the Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press in the series Bird Fami­lies of the World. ISBN 0-19-854667 X). 295 pages, con­tai­ning ever­y­thing about pen­gu­ins (what else?) you might pos­si­bly want to know – as far as known to any­bo­dy! That includes beha­viour, eco­lo­gy and envi­ron­men­tal thre­ats to pen­gu­in popu­la­ti­ons.

Ant­ar­c­tic Histo­ry

  • Alex­an­der, Caro­li­ne (1998): The Endu­rance (popu­lar and well-illus­tra­ted book about »The Boss«).
  • Bickel, Len­nard (1982): Shackleton’s for­got­ten Argo­nauts (Shackleton’s Ross Sea par­ty during his »Endurance/Aurora« expedition..Eextremely inte­res­t­ing!).
  • Bickel, Len­nard (1994): Mawson’s Will. (About Dou­glas Maw­son, the Aus­tra­li­an explo­rer with the iron will).
  • Cher­ry-Gar­rard, Aps­ley (1922): The Worst Jour­ney in the World (clas­si­cal book about extre­me­ly dif­fi­cult win­ter expe­di­ti­on to get eggs of Emper­or Pen­gu­ins).
  • Gur­ney, Alan (2000): The Race to the White con­ti­nent (good over­view).
  • Hunt­ford, Roland: The last Place on Earth. (The dis­co­very of the South Pole, Amund­sen and Scott).
  • Hunt­ford, Roland (1985): Shack­le­ton.
  • Maw­son, Dou­glas (1915): The Home of the Bliz­zard (2 volu­mes. Clas­si­cal book about a clas­si­cal expe­di­ti­on).
  • McEl­rea, R. & Har­row­field, D. (2004): Polar Casta­ways. (About the »Auro­ra«, which went to the Ross sea as part of Shackleton’s famous »Endurance/Aurora« expe­di­ti­on).
  • Men­zi­es, Gavin (2002): 1421: The Year Chi­na dis­co­ver­ed the World (exact­ly what the title says).
  • Rif­fen­burgh, Beau (2004): Nim­rod. (The first Ant­ar­c­tic Expe­di­ti­on lead by Shack­le­ton).
  • Roso­ve, Micha­el H. (2000): Let Heroes Speak. Ant­ar­c­tic Explo­rers 1772-1922 (good over­view).

Falkland/South Geor­gia

  • Stanford’s.
  • McIn­tosh, E., Walt­on, D.W.H. (2000): Envi­ron­men­tal Manage­ment Plan For South Geor­gia ( Published by the Bri­tish Ant­ar­c­tic Sur­vey. Copies are obtainable form Govern­ment of South Geor­gia and South Sand­wich Islands). 103 pages. Inven­to­ry of natu­ral and human histo­ry of South Geor­gia and regu­la­ti­ons.
  • Stran­ge, Ian J. (1992): A Field Gui­de To The Wild­life Of The Falk­land Islands And South Geor­gia (Har­per­Coll­ins Publishers, Lon­don. ISBN 0-00-219839-8). Includes addi­tio­nal­ly a gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on sec­tion about the Falk­land Islands and I would high­ly recom­mend it to ever­y­bo­dy tra­vel­ling this archi­pe­la­go.


last modification: 2014-04-02 · copyright: Rolf Stange