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Panoramas: Hut Point - Antarctica


The hut at Hut Point, Ross Island, was built during Scott’s Dis­co­very expe­di­ti­on (1901-04). This first attempt by Robert F. Scott to reach the South Pole was of litt­le suc­cess: The pole par­ty, which included also Ernest Shack­le­ton, did not get bey­ond the Ross Ice Shelf. Scott made important expe­ri­ence with various means of trans­por­ta­ti­on, inclu­ding ponies, but did not draw the neces­sa­ry con­clu­si­ons and con­se­quen­ces when he retur­ned later for his last expe­di­ti­on with Ter­ra Nova. The hut was used on seve­ral later occa­si­ons, inclu­ding Shackleton’s Nim­rod-expe­di­ti­on and Scott’s Ter­ra Nova expe­di­ti­on. Today, the his­to­ri­cal atmo­sphe­re of Scott’s hut at Hut Point suf­fers from its neigh­bour­hood, the US-Ame­ri­can base McMur­do.

Older pan­ora­mas from 2013

The hut at Hut Point – 1/2

The hut at Hut Point – 2/2


last modification: 2019-02-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange