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Home → Pho­tos, vide­os, pan­ora­mas

Photos, videos, panoramas

This web­site and its arc­tic coun­ter­part ( tog­e­ther have one of the lar­gest coll­ec­tions of polar pho­to gal­le­ries and pan­ora­mas you will find any­whe­re on the web, coll­ec­ted over far more than a hundred polar voy­a­ges. The coll­ec­tion of polar 360 degree pan­ora­ma images is the lar­gest any­whe­re and includes sites for the first time ever pho­to­gra­phed this way, such as Saun­ders Island in the South Sand­wich Islands. Geo­gra­phi­cal­ly, the images are cove­ring a ran­ge from the Falk­land Islands through South Geor­gia and the Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la to the Ross Sea.

The vide­os have impres­si­ons from some of my tours in the polar regi­ons, they com­bi­ne both pho­tos and video clips to give nice, but also pret­ty rea­li­stic impres­si­ons from this kind of tra­vel­ling.

last modification: 2023-02-13 · copyright: Rolf Stange