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McMurdo Sound

Part 5 of 7

The next 2 days brought dream wea­ther and seve­ral important high­lights. A heli­c­op­ter flight into the Dry Val­leys and zodiac crui­sing bet­ween ice floes bro­ken off the fast ice edge in McMur­do Sound, orcas and pen­gu­ins never being far away, and a litt­le walk on sea ice. Next was the pil­grimage to Shackleton’s Nim­rod-hut at Cape Royds, which again requi­red using heli­c­op­ters. And next on my own wish­list was a clear view of Mount Ere­bus, which we did not get 2 years ago, apart from a few hazy glim­p­ses at late night time. This time, the famous vol­ca­no is right the­re in front of us, in its full sple­ndor from tip to toe, for more than 2 days!

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To gal­lery:   Ushua­ia   To the south polar cir­cle   Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la to the Ross Sea   In the Ross Sea   McMur­do Sound   Cape Ada­re   Across the Sou­thern Oce­an


last modification: 2015-02-16 · copyright: Rolf Stange