Cape Evans – 2nd March 2020
2 Mar
The weather forecast indicated an opportunity, so we were ready to go at Cape Evans in the early morning. It was still quite windy and that in combination with an air temperature of about -12°C made it pretty chillly
But it worked. So we had all the opportunity to visit the famous Discovery hut where Scott left for his ill-fated journey to the South Pole in 1911. What a man, what a story, what a place!
Click on thumbnail to open an enlarged version of the specific photo.
Later that day we continued towards the far end of Hut Point Peninsula as we still had an invitation from Scott Base and some information that the local conditions should be ok. But the wind just kept picking up as we got closer and soon it was very clear that we would not achieve anything in that area. So we turned north again, around Ross Island and towards the Ross Iceshelf and the Bay of Whales.
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last modification: 2020-03-20 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange