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HomeTri­plogs & pho­to gal­le­riesAnt­ar­c­tic 2013/14FI, SG, SSI, Ant­ar­c­ti­ca 2013/11/01-23 → Gal­lery 4: Ant­ar­c­ti­ca and South Shet­land Islands

Gallery 4: Antarctica

Due to the ice, the South Ork­ney Islands were not an opti­on, so the South Shet­lands were the next place we rea­ched after four days sai­ling from the South Sand­wich Islands. The nea­rest place and our first stopp was Point Wild on Ele­phant Island. Again, we were lucky with the wea­ther and we could jump into the Zodiacs to have a clo­se look at the famous place whe­re 22 men from Shackleton’s Endu­rance got maroo­ned for more than 4 months in 1916 until their Boss retur­ned after his legen­da­ry open boat jour­ney with the James Caird to South Geor­gia and his crossing of the island to res­cue his men. Point Wild is an ama­zing place, but we were hap­py our time the­re mea­su­red in hours and not in months, so after having been waved off by some fri­end­ly Hump­back wha­les, we sai­led sou­thwest­wards to the South Shet­lands pro­per.

Our late after­noon landing was Pen­gu­in Island, a love­ly litt­le island and again a tri­cky one unless the wea­ther is calm. It was calm, so we enjoy­ed gre­at views over the fresh vol­ca­nic cra­ter and the near­by ice fields of King Geor­ge Island, befo­re an adven­tur­ous trip back to the ship as a field of brash ice (pie­ces of gla­cier ice) had drifted in towards our landing site, blo­cking it most­ly and making it hard work for the Zodiac dri­vers and the gui­des on shore to get ever­y­bo­dy off the island. Safe bet spi­rits on board whe­re good after that adven­ture!

In the Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la, we lost most of one day due to quite extre­me wea­ther, but in the late after­noon it cle­ared up and the curtain rose to expo­se gre­at views of stun­ning Ant­ar­c­tic land­scapes around Wil­hel­mi­na Bay. The next day star­ted with a litt­le dis­ap­point­ment, as we had to abort an ear­ly mor­ning landing at Almi­ran­te Brown Sta­ti­on in Para­di­se Bay due to ice fields quick­ly drif­ting towards the shore. But then this real­ly tur­ned out to be our day. A good landing in Neko Har­bour, a stun­ning crui­se through sun­ny, gre­at Neu­may­er Chan­nel and a love­ly after­noon with lots of wild­life, sce­n­ery and histo­ry at and around Port Lock­roy. What else could one ask for? One good day, that’s what you need.

A visit to Wha­lers Bay in Decep­ti­on Island roun­ded our Ant­ar­c­tic days off. A sur­pri­sin­gly calm Dra­ke Pas­sa­ge and some good views of the famous Cape Horn final­ly brought a good voya­ge to a good end.

I have mana­ged to get 360 degree pan­ora­ma images also in many of the places we visi­ted in the South Shet­land Islands and the Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la. Soon, they will be dis­play­ed in my sel­ec­tion of Ant­ar­c­tic pan­ora­mas on this web­site.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:    Falk­lands    South Geor­gia    South Sand­wich    Ant­ar­c­ti­ca


last modification: 2014-03-26 · copyright: Rolf Stange