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Daily Archives: 23. January 2018 − News & Stories

Yan­kee Har­bour – 23 Janu­ary 2018

A litt­le bit tired from the anchor watch, but very hap­py with our Decep­ti­on Island expe­ri­ence, we lifted the anchor and set cour­se for Green­wich Island, fur­ther nor­the­ast in the South Shet­lands. It was a beau­tiful pas­sa­ge, most­ly under sails, a Hump­back wha­le every now and then, and stun­ning views of the wild coast of Living­ston Island.

Gal­lery – Yan­kee Har­bour – 23 Janu­ary 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Yan­kee Har­bour pro­vi­des a sple­ndid natu­ral har­bour for small boats. And ple­nty of space to move around on shore; more than we will have fur­ther south. So we were hap­py to get a chan­ce to stretch our legs a bit. And as we had been hoping for, the­re was a litt­le group of Ele­phant seals hau­led out on the beach. And indi­vi­du­al Wed­dell and Fur seals res­t­ing on the beach. Pen­gu­ins – most­ly Gen­toos, with the occa­sio­nal Chin­strap pen­gu­in – were wal­king around, stray­ing from their bree­ding colo­ny which was at the base of the long gra­vel pen­in­su­la whe­re we had gone ashore. Our first Gen­too pen­gu­ins! Of cour­se we spent a lot of time obser­ving and enjoy­ing all the acti­vi­tiy that was going on in their colo­nies. Seve­ral hours went by quick­ly, and final­ly a litt­le bit of rain remin­ded us that it was time to return to our floa­ting home.


News-Listing live generated at 2024/April/19 at 09:14:13 Uhr (GMT+1)