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Puer­to King – 18 March 2018

We rea­ched Puer­to King yes­ter­day after many wet an win­dy miles. The name see­med to sug­gest a har­bour of roy­al qua­li­ties, at least a fishing vil­la­ge, may­be with a cosy pub at the har­bour … but no, it is much bet­ter: a love­ly natu­ral har­bour, exact­ly our size. Par­king kind of in the midd­le of the rain forest, we fix shore lines on three sides, secu­ring the boat per­fect­ly safe. No anchor watch! Good thing, as we all easi­ly agree.

Puerto King

Wet and fun­ny: A walk through den­se rain­fo­rest

It con­ti­nues to rain the next day, which does not keep us from going out to explo­re a bit. After all the rain, the land­scape is wet. Water ever­y­whe­re, it is splas­hing with every step you take, whe­re­ver you put your hand. One should not be afraid of get­ting wet here, it is much bet­ter to re-dis­co­ver the plea­su­re that we had as child­ren when we play­ed in the water, then it is fun! The­re is very den­se Pata­go­ni­an rain forest almost ever­y­whe­re near the shore, a cha­os of trees, stems and bran­ches stan­ding and lying ever­y­whe­re, den­se­ly cover­ed with mos­ses and lichens. A green cha­os, almost impos­si­ble to pene­tra­te.

A few met­res fur­ther up, the rain­fo­rest is giving way to a more open kind of land­scape, wet­lands with litt­le streams and rocky hills. The lat­ter are part­ly steep and slip­pery, the fur­ther have grown to be real obs­ta­cles after all the rain. So you have to find your way through this land­scape somehow, which is not always easy.


Curious and signi­fi­cant­ly lar­ger than the Euro­pean Red fox

Back at the shore, a Pata­go­ni­an Grey fox fol­lows us curious­ly for a few met­res. They are sur­pri­sin­gly lar­ge, much lar­ger than the Euro­pean Red fox, not to men­ti­on the Arc­tic fox far up north. For a moment the inex­pe­ri­en­ced obser­ver might think to see a she­p­herd dog! And the Grey fox is only the smal­ler one of two spe­ci­es that you may find here.

Gal­lery – Puer­to King – 18 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange