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Home* Antarctic News → Artic­le about Ross Sea voya­ge published by Dale L. Jacob­sen

Artic­le about Ross Sea voya­ge published by Dale L. Jacob­sen

Dale L. Jacob­sen is a well-known aut­hor in Aus­tra­lia and par­ti­ci­pant on the voya­ge into the Ross Sea on board MV Ort­eli­us in Febru­ary 2013. She has writ­ten an artic­le about her ant­ar­c­tic adven­ture which is now published on Tra­ve­lo­so­phy. A book is in pre­pa­ra­ti­on.

Tay­lor Val­ley, one of the famou­se McMur­do Dry Val­leys, visi­ted during the abo­ve-men­tio­ned voya­ge 2013, descri­bed in Dale L. Jacobsen’s recent artic­le.

Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys

last modification: 2014-04-25 · copyright: Rolf Stange