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Ter­ra Nova Bay, Cape Hal­let

A bay and a cape in the head­line – Ter­ra Nova Bay, Cape Hal­let – both on the coast of Vic­to­ria Land in the wes­tern Ross Sea, that indi­ca­tes a wealth of over­whel­ming impres­si­ons. Some of the Ross Sea’s gre­at ice­berg alleys, huge gla­cier ton­gues, pen­gu­ins and orcas almost gua­ran­teed, pos­si­bly a landing, may­be on Inex­pres­si­ble Island, whe­re Scott’s nor­t­hern par­ty was forced to win­ter under very dif­fi­cult cir­cum­s­tances. Zodiac crui­ses, heli­c­op­ter flights. Under the mid­night sun, befo­re break­fast, from ear­ly mor­ning to late evening.


Well, it tur­ned out to be a very rela­xed day. As it tur­ned out, the coast was ever­y­whe­re blo­cked by den­se belts of ice. Many miles of old, tough floes. So we stay­ed far off the coast, felt like at high seas, with low clouds and stiff wind. Well, the Ross Sea is no lake. On the other hand, the­re is not­hing wrong about rela­xing a bit, after the long days we have just had. And Cape Ada­re is still ahead of us. Fin­gers crossed.

last modification: 2015-02-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange