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Home* Triplogs with photo galleriesAntarctic blog → Ant­ar­c­tic Crui­se with SY Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha – Tra­vel Blog here

Ant­ar­c­tic Crui­se with SY Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha – Tra­vel Blog here

The­re is a blog for our cur­rent voya­ge to Ant­ar­c­ti­ca with the two-mast sai­ling ship SY Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha. Plea­se click here to visit the blog! Reports will start in the next few days and will be trans­mit­ted via satel­li­te to the web­mas­ter (so the tech­no­lo­gy works) and published by him and lin­ked in Face­book the next day.

last modification: 2018-01-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange