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Ushua­ia – 11 March 2018

The pho­tos may seem fami­li­ar. No coin­ci­dence, becau­se this is whe­re we said good­bye and fare­well to SY Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha at the end of the trip to Ant­ar­c­ti­ca four weeks ago. And now we are coming back on board again! Same place … but bey­ond that, not­hing will be the same. Just the first steps are simi­lar, say­ing offi­ci­al­ly good­bye to Argen­ti­na, get­ting pass­ports stam­ped, lea­ving the har­bour in the evening, set­ting cour­se east­wards through the Bea­gle-Chan­nel, but then … in a few hours, we will go along­side in Puer­to Wil­liams, the sou­thern­most posi­ti­on of the who­le trip! After that, we will con­ti­nue west- and nor­thwards, sai­ling through the beau­tiful, stun­ning water­ways of sou­thern Chi­le. New land, new pas­sa­ges, new places. Good stuff! It is not exag­ge­ra­ted to say that we are all very exci­ted about it!

Gal­lery – Ushua­ia – 11 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Even the veterans of Chi­le and Pata­go­nia, and we do have some on board, are exci­ted. It is such a remo­te, hard-to-get-to-area. The­re is nobo­dy tra­vel­ling the­re, com­pared to Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. It is emp­ty, remo­te and wild. Pata­go­nia, that is Tor­res del Pai­ne, Peri­to Moreno and so on for most peo­p­le. Stun­ning places for most peo­p­le, no doubt about that, but what is lying ahead of us is very much dif­fe­rent, and by no means less beau­tiful and impres­si­ve. But far off the well-trod­den path! The­re is no infra­struc­tu­re, no gene­ral gui­de­books, no tou­rism.

Pata­go­nia, here we come!

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange