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Canal Sar­mi­en­to – 23 March 2018

The wind should have cal­med down over night, and so it did inde­ed. Not that it was real­ly com­fy, stan­ding out­side and stee­ring the ship. Still 30 knots of wind on the nose of ship and helms­man, plus a bit of rain and the occa­sio­nal bit of hail. Pata­go­nia.

But then came dif­fe­rent times! Blue ski­es and sun! We fol­lo­wed various water­ways for many miles to the north, enjoy­ing wea­ther and sce­n­ery on deck. Paso Vic­to­ria, the long Canal Sar­mi­en­to and other big, beau­tiful chan­nels most peo­p­le will hard­ly ever have heard of.

Canal Sarmiento

Blue Sky over Canal Sar­mi­en­to

Bro­ken land. Many the­se chan­nels are drawn like with a ruler, a straight line. They fol­low huge faults, that is geo­lo­gi­cal cracks, in geo­me­tri­cal pat­terns; sets of fault lines fol­low cer­tain direc­tions and then the­re are seve­ral of the­se main direc­tions. Altog­e­ther forming pat­terns that you can cle­ar­ly see on the hills­i­des and on the map. The vege­ta­ti­on is a bit more spar­se here, espe­ci­al­ly on some light-grey moun­ta­ins with roun­ded tops, which appear to con­sist of gra­ni­te or some simi­lar crystal­li­ne rock.

The latest wea­ther fore­cast cau­ses mixed thoughts regar­ding tomor­row. Our plan is to visit the famous Ama­lia gla­cier, which is said to be beau­tiful. But the new fore­cast pro­mi­ses a lot of wind alre­a­dy tomor­row. We will have to see how that all fits tog­e­ther. We will see. In the end, natu­re rules.

For the moment, we deci­de to drop the anchor in a litt­le, silent bay cal­led „Puer­to Bue­no“, hoping that the name does not pro­mi­se too much.

Gal­lery – Canal Sar­mi­en­to – 23 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange