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Cale­ta Coli­bri – 25 March 2018

Cale­ta Coli­bri is not a place for long hikes. The forest is so den­se that it is sim­ply impos­si­ble to get any­whe­re. I have tried it. It does not work.

But the­re are seve­ral inte­res­t­ing places. In one place, peo­p­le obvious­ly spent a lot of time eating mus­sels. The­re is a big pile of them. Who and when? That’s some­thing we’d also love to know.

A pile of mussels on the beach of Caleta Colibri

Whe­re do all the­se mus­sels come from? Unsol­ved ques­ti­ons in the Cale­ta Coli­bri

You can climb up a tree and it does hard­ly look dif­fe­rent from stan­ding on the ground. Many of them are so den­se­ly cover­ed with mos­ses and all sorts of plants that it looks like the ground. It is all green, ever­y­whe­re.

And, yes, Cale­ta Coli­bri lived up to its name! A small group of dedi­ca­ted pho­to­graph­ers wai­ted pati­ent­ly to get a chan­ce, and we were reward­ed. I would guess it was a Green-backed fire­crown (Sepha­no­ides sepha­no­ides), accor­ding to our book „Bird of Chi­le“.

Gal­lery – Cale­ta Coli­bri – 25 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Now the wind has to calm down a bit so we can con­ti­nue towards Puer­to Edén. That is the next place we are hea­ding for and the first place sin­ce Puer­to Wil­liams whe­re peo­p­le are living. We have to go shop­ping, we are run­ning out of cho­co­la­te and beer.

Hummingbird in the Caleta Colibri

Nomen est omen: Cale­ta Coli­bri

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange