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Puer­to Edén – 27 March 2018

Sud­den­ly the wea­ther is on our side again and Cale­ta Coli­bri lets us go. The advan­ta­ge of the quick wea­ther chan­ges is that the wea­ther chan­ges quick­ly.

After a night and many miles we reach Puer­to Edén, which real­ly looks like a bit of a gar­den Eden on a day like this, under a blue sky and with mir­ror images on the water. We haven’t had too many days like this!

Puerto Edén

Simp­le but colourful huts in Puer­to Edén

Puer­to Edén is a small vil­la­ge with a few hundred inha­bi­tants, most of them des­cen­dants of the indi­ge­neous popu­la­ti­on of this area. The usu­al, tra­gic histo­ry of colo­ni­al mur­der and dise­a­ses has not left many of them ali­ve, and prac­ti­cal­ly not­hing of their cul­tu­re. Ins­tead, the­re is Puer­to Edén, which star­ted its exis­tance as a small air­force base and still has a mili­ta­ry pre­sence. Bey­ond that, it has a num­ber of simp­le but colourful huts near the shore, which looks beau­tiful. It is love­ly to walk around and enjoy all the views and colours and the wea­ther which feels real­ly medi­ter­ra­ne­an on a rare day like this. Unfort­u­nat­ly, my Colo­bri pho­to from yes­ter­day (or the day befo­re? Time is fly­ing, it is ama­zing!) has lost a lot of value as a rari­ty today, as the­re are a lot of Coli­bris around here and the dedi­ca­ted pho­to­graph­ers got reward­ed for their pati­ence.

Gal­lery – Puer­to Edén – 27 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The­re are even two shops, but both of them fit into a small room. But the­re are fisher­men who come direct­ly to the boat to offer their fresh catch. Deli­cious!

In the after­noon and during the night, we make sure that we get fur­ther north. We have to, the­re are still many miles to go and the wea­ther is per­fect and of rare beau­ty.

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange