Happy Easter! The anchor went down late night. Which was great, we had been sailing for quite some time since we had left our anchorage at the Isla Jungfrauen. And it was good to get to walk again on solid ground! Nature has almost got a tropical aspect, it is so green and lush, big fern trees are growing everywhere like palm trees, and parrots are making a lot of noise.
Our own Easter bakery at work
A second landing takes us to some hot springs, the Termas de Punta Perez. It used to be an unknown place in the wilderness until a few years ago, now tourism has left obvious traces. We are obviously getting into more civilized waters again, Puerto Aysén is not too far away and tourist boats and fishing vessels are crowding the waters.
The forest in Seno Aysén looks almost tropical
The hot springs do not form natural hot pools. It is hot groundwater coming out between the stones, so you can burn your bum as you sit in shallow water while your feet get frozen at the same time. It is not really that tropical yet!