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Seno Aysén – 01 April 2018

Hap­py Eas­ter! The anchor went down late night. Which was gre­at, we had been sai­ling for quite some time sin­ce we had left our ancho­ra­ge at the Isla Jung­frau­en. And it was good to get to walk again on solid ground! Natu­re has almost got a tro­pi­cal aspect, it is so green and lush, big fern trees are gro­wing ever­y­whe­re like palm trees, and par­rots are making a lot of noi­se.

Seno Aysén - 01 April 2018

Our own Eas­ter bak­ery at work

A second landing takes us to some hot springs, the Ter­mas de Pun­ta Perez. It used to be an unknown place in the wil­der­ness until a few years ago, now tou­rism has left obvious traces. We are obvious­ly get­ting into more civi­li­zed waters again, Puer­to Aysén is not too far away and tou­rist boats and fishing ves­sels are crow­ding the waters.

Caleta Gato - Seno Aysén - 01 April 2018

The forest in Seno Aysén looks almost tro­pi­cal

The hot springs do not form natu­ral hot pools. It is hot ground­wa­ter coming out bet­ween the stones, so you can burn your bum as you sit in shal­low water while your feet get fro­zen at the same time. It is not real­ly that tro­pi­cal yet!

Termas de Punta Perez - Seno Aysén - 01 April 2018

Real­ly hot Hot Springs

Gal­lery – Seno Aysén – 01 April 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange