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Home* Antarctic News → Quant­ar­c­ti­ca: free GIS to make ant­ar­c­tic rese­arch data acces­si­ble for all

Quant­ar­c­ti­ca: free GIS to make ant­ar­c­tic rese­arch data acces­si­ble for all

Sci­en­tists are con­stant­ly gathe­ring lar­ge amounts of data in and about Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. But how can the public access and use the­se data? The Nor­we­gi­an Polar Insti­tue has made an effort to make sci­en­ti­fic data from Ant­ar­c­ti­ca acces­si­ble for ever­y­bo­dy by publi­shing Quant­ar­c­ti­ca” title=”Quantarctica” target=”_blank”>Quantarctica, a free open source GIS (geo­gra­phic infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem) to com­pi­le ant­ar­c­tic sci­en­ti­fic data. The sys­tem is based on Quan­tum GIS and has data within ocea­no­gra­phy, atmo­sphe­ric sci­ence, geo­lo­gy and bio­lo­gy.

As soon as the soft­ware is instal­led, it is pos­si­ble to use Quant­ar­c­ti­ca off­line.

Sci­en­ti­fic users can also upload their data to publish them quick­ly to a wide public.

Quant­ar­c­ti­ca (Screen­shot): free open source GIS with sci­en­ti­fic data from various rese­arch bran­ches in Ant­ar­c­ti­ca.

Quantarctica (Screenshot)

Source: Quant­ar­c­ti­ca

last modification: 2014-06-26 · copyright: Rolf Stange