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Alba­tross lati­tu­des

04th-5th Febru­ary 2015 – It was clear that the nice wea­ther was not going to last fore­ver. We still can’t com­plain. We have got sou­t­her­ly to sou­thwes­ter­ly winds, so it does not slow us down too much. Time is key. But now we do feel that we are actual­ly on a ship. Some are enthu­si­a­stic for the wild oce­an and the big waves, others less so.


If you put on some warm clo­thes and spend some time out­side – the aft deck on level 4 is deci­dedly the best place to watch and pho­to­graph birds, that is whe­re the com­mu­ni­ty meets – you will get a lot. We are back to the Alba­tros lati­tu­des, the furious fif­ties, which are now living up to their good repu­ta­ti­on. Buller’s alba­tros, Wan­de­ring alba­tros, Sou­thern roy­al alba­tros, Camp­bell alba­tros, Light-man­t­led soo­ty alba­tros, did I for­get one? And of cour­se, all the pri­o­ns, the ever-pre­sent Cape pet­rels, Soft-plu­ma­ged pet­rel, Mott­led pet­rel, she­ar­wa­ters … the­re is a lot around. Lucky who gets a sharp pho­to of a pri­on.

last modification: 2015-02-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange