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Isla Jung­frau­en – 28/29 March 2018

We have got the Gol­fo de Penas ahead of us and thus an open sea pas­sa­ge which will take about one and a half days wit­hout the pro­tec­tion of the coas­tal waters that we have enjoy­ed so far. It is obvious­ly important to have a good wea­ther win­dow for that, which we were sup­po­sed to have now, but rea­li­ty was dif­fe­rent. The wind and sea were quite rough alre­a­dy in the chan­nels, and the latest fore­cast spo­ke a quite dif­fe­rent but very clear lan­guage.

Isla Jungfrauen

Wai­ting for the wind to calm down, Isla Jung­frau­en

So the­re is not much to do but to wait for bet­ter times regar­ding the open sea pas­sa­ge. Some­thing that is gre­at at the time being (later, we will have to catch up again, though), as we have got the Isla Jung­frau­en near­by, which has the beau­tiful Cale­ta Vir­gin. The name of the island („Island of vir­gins“) is inte­res­t­ing, but it does not keep the pro­mi­se, as we have found out by now. But the island has got the beau­tiful Cale­ta Vir­gen, which tur­ned out to be a gre­at place to stay safe­ly with a ship and bey­ond that, it is a gre­at place for hiking! Once you have got bey­ond the usu­al few met­res of den­se coas­tal forest, the land­scape opens up and offers many gre­at hiking oppor­tu­ni­ties over hills and smal­ler moun­ta­ins with stun­ning pan­o­r­amic views, some lakes, wind-bea­ten trees and a lot of ama­zing places to dis­co­ver. An unbe­lie­v­a­b­ly beau­tiful hid­den cor­ner of the pla­net! We were all a bit tired after the last night, but that was quick­ly for­got­ten in the beau­ty of the sce­n­ery. And in here, the wea­ther is gre­at! The Cale­ta is well shel­te­red, so hard­ly noti­ce any­thing of the strong winds and hea­vy seas out­side (on the moun­ta­ins, you can hard­ly stand at times) and the sun is with us most of the day. Love­ly!

Gal­lery – Isla Jung­frau­en – 28/29 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

As men­tio­ned, we will have to catch up again time-wise, the days are going and they are not coming back. But we could not have found a bet­ter place to wait for bet­ter con­di­ti­ons, and when you see the pho­tos, I guess you don’t belie­ve that we are stuck here for wea­ther reasons.

 Isla Jungfrauen

What you can’t see in this pic­tu­re: Due to strong winds you can hard­ly stand on some of the hig­her spots.

Isla Jungfrauen

There’s defi­ni­te­ly no bet­ter place for a day of wai­ting.

last modification: 2018-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange