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Yearly Archives: 2018

Falk­land Islands: Peb­b­le Island for sale

Who does not dream of an island of her or his own? This dream can come true soon in the Falk­land Islands, whe­re Peb­b­le Island is now for sale. It is not just any small island, but the 5th lar­gest island of the who­le Falk­lands, just out­si­zed by Wed­dell and Saun­ders Islands and, of cour­se, the two main islands, West and East Falk­land. Peb­b­le Island has an area of 10,622 hec­ta­res or 103 squa­re kilo­me­t­res.

The­re is a ten­ant farm on the island with 6000 sheep and 125 catt­le as well as some simp­le accom­mo­da­ti­on for tou­rists. The farm as estab­lished as ear­ly as 1846 when Peb­b­le Island and 3 neigh­bou­ring islands were bought by John Mark­ham Dean for a mere 400 pound. A sup­p­ly ship comes every once in a while and the­re is a litt­le run­way for flights from Stan­ley (45 minu­tes fly­ing time).

Falkland Islands scenery

Typi­cal Falk­land Island sce­n­ery in fine wea­ther (the wea­ther is not always fine).
White bea­ches, green hills, pen­gu­ins.

Peb­b­le Island was occu­p­ied by seve­ral hundred Argen­ti­ne sol­diers during the Falk­lands war in 1982, it was the site of the first com­bat ope­ra­ti­ons on land in the Falk­land Islands. The wreck of an Argen­ti­ne air­craft and memo­ri­als to Bri­tish sail­ors and sol­diers who died after the bom­bing of HMS Coven­try clo­se to Peb­b­le Island remind of the­se dark times.

Peb­b­le Island is an important bird area. An impres­si­ve num­ber of spe­ci­es is bree­ding the­re, inclu­ding seve­ral thousand pen­gu­ins (main­ly Sou­thern Rock­hop­pers and Gen­too pen­gu­ins).

Clai­re Har­ris, des­cen­dant of John Mark­ham Dean, has announ­ced to sell the island. Offers can be made now until Janu­ary, the­re is no mini­mum. But it is safe to assu­me that the buy­er will have to put a bit more on the table than the 400 pound paid by John Mark­ham Dean in his days.

Rese­ar­chers are spy­ing on table man­ners of wha­les

Do mari­ne bio­lo­gists not alre­a­dy know about the fee­ding and migra­tio­nal beha­viour of hump­back wha­les? After all, the­se ani­mals are the best-stu­di­ed wha­les in the sou­thern hemi­sphe­re. So far, small data log­gers atta­ched to the ani­mals have sam­pled depth data, migra­ti­on rou­tes and water cha­rac­te­ristics. Now the­se litt­le aids can even pick up 3-D moti­on pat­terns and record under­wa­ter vide­os. Aus­tra­li­an and Ame­ri­can sci­en­tists were inte­res­ted in using the­se methods to find even more details about fee­ding beha­vi­or and food com­po­si­ti­on of the hump­back wha­les.

Humpback whales, Antarctica

Hump­back wha­les, Ant­ar­c­ti­ca.

At the same time, they used their time in the field to fas­ten con­ven­tio­nal data log­gers to the dor­sal fin of min­ke wha­les. The­se wha­les live clo­se to the ice in the sou­thern sum­mer and litt­le is known about them. The sci­en­tists hope to gain more infor­ma­ti­on about this spar­se­ly stu­di­ed wha­le spe­ci­es. Mari­ne ani­mals that bene­fit from pack ice habi­tats are par­ti­cu­lar­ly affec­ted by incre­asing sea tem­pe­ra­tures, oce­an aci­di­fi­ca­ti­on and incre­asing strong winds.

Pata­go­nia under sail 2018: tri­plog and fotos

Fol­lo­wing to the tri­plog and pho­tos of our Ant­ar­c­tic expe­di­ti­on with SY Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha in ear­ly 2018, we have now got the Pata­go­nia tri­plog with asso­cia­ted pho­to coll­ec­tions and some short sto­rytel­ling online. With the log, sto­ries and pho­tos, you can join us retro­s­pec­tively at no cost and enjoy Patagonia’s won­derful­ly wild land­scapes and water­ways with no “risk” of wind and waves, sea­sick­ness and cold – have fun!

Patagonia 2018, SY Anne-Margaretha and Rolf Stange: triplog, stories, photos

Hiking on one of Patagonia’s many remo­te islands.

And yes, we are fair­ly con­fi­dent that this Pata­go­nia adven­ture was not the last one of its kind, the­re is still so much to dis­co­ver! We have no dates fixed yet, and it won’t hap­pen as ear­ly as the next aus­tral sea­son (2018/19), but we’ll return to Pata­go­nia, no doubt!

South Geor­gia rat era­di­ca­ti­on pro­ject suc­cessful

The “South Geor­gia Habi­tat Restau­ra­ti­on Pro­ject” has been fol­lo­wed in seve­ral news posts on this web­site befo­re. This ambi­tious pro­ject is aimed at get­ting rid of all rats on the island of South Geor­gia.

Rats are a serious thre­at for sea­birds. Sea­bird popu­la­ti­ons on South Geor­gia have always been impres­si­ve, but small in com­pa­ri­son to what they must have been like in times befo­re the wha­lers inci­den­tal­ly intro­du­ced rats to the island. On remo­te islands which do not have natu­ral pre­da­tors, sea­birds nest on flat ground or in bur­rows, in any case easi­ly acces­si­ble for rats which eat eggs and chicks in mas­si­ve num­bers. After mil­li­ons of years wit­hout rats or other ter­restri­al pre­da­tors, sea­birds do not have effec­ti­ve mecha­nisms of defence. Even lar­ge spe­ci­es are con­cer­ned: the­re are obser­va­tions of Wan­de­ring alba­tross chicks being eaten ali­ve on the nest.

South Georgia pipit

The South Geor­gia pipit has retur­ned quick­ly to old bree­ding are­as.

Era­di­ca­ting rats is always chal­len­ging and even more so on such a remo­te, wild and big island. It had been done suc­cessful­ly espe­ci­al­ly by New Zea­land spe­cia­lists on islands such as Camp­bell Island which belongs to New Zea­land. The key tech­ni­que is drop­ping poi­so­ned bait from heli­c­op­ters. The bait and drop­ping tech­ni­que inclu­ding timing are desi­gned to era­di­ca­te rats while mini­mi­sing dama­ge to other wild­life. The main pha­se was com­ple­ted in South Geor­gia in ear­ly 2015.

As the sur­vi­val of only one pregnant fema­le rat could ruin the suc­cess of the who­le pro­ject, the sub­se­quent eva­lua­ti­on peri­od is of utmost importance. This pha­se of inten­se moni­to­ring has been going on in South Geor­gia sin­ce the com­ple­ti­on of the main pha­se. A com­pre­hen­si­ve moni­to­ring expe­di­ti­on has been car­ri­ed out on South Geor­gia during the last aus­tral sum­mer sea­son, invol­ving trai­ned dogs and other tech­ni­ques to make sure no rat could remain unde­tec­ted. The good news is that “Team Rat” could not find any traces of living rats on South Geor­gia, as Neil Ali­son of the South Geor­gia Heri­ta­ge Trust (SGHT) could tell the BBC. A SGHT press release decla­res South Geor­gia rat-free, for the first time in 200 years!

Wanderalbatros auf Prion Island, Südgeorgien

Auch der Wan­der­al­ba­tros wird von rat­ten­frei­en Brut­ge­bie­ten pro­fi­tie­ren.

Birds have star­ted to return to their old bree­ding grounds quick­ly after the rats were gone, inclu­ding the ende­mic South Geor­gia pipit. Until 2015, it was rest­ric­ted to a few places like small, rat-free islands. Sin­ce then, it has retur­ned to many are­as on the main island of South Geor­gia. Also lar­ger spe­ci­es inclu­ding pen­gu­ins and the maje­s­tic Wan­de­ring Alba­tross will bene­fit from rat-free bree­ding grounds.

The SGHT had initia­ted the pro­ject and rai­sed about 10 mil­li­on pounds that were nee­ded main­ly through pri­va­te dona­ti­ons. Tou­rists con­tri­bu­ted about 200,000 pounds per sea­son through auc­tions and dona­ti­ons on crui­se ships to South Geor­gia.

Post­card set Ant­ar­c­ti­ca: limi­t­ed edi­ti­on 2018

Many trips to Ant­ar­c­ti­ca span­ning a vast area from South Geor­gia to the Ross Sea and bey­ond have yiel­ded a tre­asu­re of ten thou­sands of ama­zing pho­tos. It was obvious to use them for a stun­ning set of ant­ar­c­tic post­cards. Here it is!

The twel­ve pho­tos pre­sent a wide spec­trum of ant­ar­c­tic land­scapes and wild­life from South Geor­gia to Camp­bell Island and from the Ant­ar­c­tic Pen­in­su­la to the Ross Sea. Alba­tros­ses and Pen­gu­ins (Emper­or, Kings, Gen­toos and Chin­straps) are in the­re just as some of Antarctica’s ama­zing sce­n­ery. And as a goo­dy for ant­ar­c­tic gour­mets, Scott’s hut at Cape Evans is also repre­sen­ted, with Mount Ere­bus towe­ring abo­ve it.

This set of post­cards is available in limi­t­ed edi­ti­on. Every set is num­be­red indi­vi­du­al­ly.


The new limi­t­ed edi­ti­on post­card set Ant­ar­c­ti­ca with twel­ve stun­ning post­cards.

Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on about the new post­card set Ant­ar­c­ti­ca.

And by the way – the­re is of cour­se also a set of Spits­ber­gen post­cards, also new, also limi­t­ed edi­ti­on.

Gol­fo Cor­co­va­do to Puer­to Montt

Admit­ted­ly, the final leg of our voya­ge was not what we had been hoping for. We had pic­tu­red some beau­tiful sai­ling in sub­tro­pi­cal­ly calm waters and a nice final stop on the island of Chi­loë. Ins­tead, we got one last bea­ting by the wea­ther. Winds around 30 knots (40 in gusts) and straight on the nose, of cour­se. The Gol­fo de Cor­co­va­do did not give us wha­les and views of vol­ca­noes, but mari­ti­me Rock’n’roll in shape of some rough seas, a lot of rain and speed that went down to 1.8 knots at time. Not quite what we wan­ted. (Adden­dum: in Puer­to Montt, the crew found parts of ropes and fishing nets on the pro­pell­or. That explains of cour­se why we made so poor speed when the wind was against us!)

Things impro­ved signi­fi­cant­ly during the last mor­ning: the wind chan­ged direc­tion and thus its cha­rac­ter from a pain in the rear to the sai­ling wind that we had been hoping for. The sea cal­med down, and we picked up speed to make 7-8 knots bet­ween Chi­loë and some smal­ler islands towards Puer­to Montt. After the wild, lonely land­scapes fur­ther south, it see­med pret­ty civi­li­sed around here: many smal­ler and some lar­ger sett­le­ments on the islands and more ships than we had seen befo­re in many days. Pen­gu­ins, peli­cans and sea lions were with us on the last miles.

We went along­side in Puer­to Montt only a few hours behind sche­du­le, and a real­ly gre­at, beau­tiful and inte­res­t­ing voya­ge came to an end, which was duly cele­bra­ted with fresh apple cake made by Julie. I am pret­ty sure that I speak for ever­y­bo­dy when I say that we would have loved to con­ti­nue tog­e­ther. The­re are so many more Cale­tas in Pata­go­nia …

But as it was, we said good­bye and fare­well. Many big thanks to all fel­low tra­vel­lers, to skipper/boat owner Heinz Wut­sch­ke and his good crew, Astrid, Julie and Piet for many stun­ning days on the back side of Pata­go­nia!

Gal­lery – Gol­fo Cor­co­va­do to Puer­to Montt

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

No doubt, this is to be con­tin­ued. In 2019, we have alre­a­dy got Score­s­by­sund in east Green­land with Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha on the sche­du­le. The­re has alre­a­dy been tal­king about other parts of east Green­land or Lofo­ten for the future, and I am sure this is not to be the last time in Pata­go­nia! It was far too beau­tiful for that, and the­re are so many more places to dis­co­ver in this stun­ning part of the glo­be.

So this is the end of my polar blog for the moment. The aut­hor will con­ti­nue his arc­tic adven­tures for a cou­ple of weeks in the book wri­ting fac­to­ry (yes, the­re are pro­jects going on). Thanks for rea­ding so far, and see you again when the arc­tic sea­son starts with Anti­gua!

Canal Mora­le­do & Isla Canal

As if a sun­set on a calm fjord bet­ween many islands was not alre­a­dy a show of per­fect beau­ty. How does it get even more beau­tiful? Dol­phins.

On Isla Canal, we inven­ted the term „three-dimen­sio­nal hiking“ becau­se we were moving in the den­se forest somehow in a dif­fu­se matrix of bran­ches, bam­boo, rot­ten roots and sur­pri­sin­gly lar­ge cavi­ties bet­ween them. A very gra­du­al tran­si­ti­on from the most­ly air-fil­led space at the top and the more or less solid bot­tom. Often less solid.

Good fun!

Gal­lery – Canal Mora­le­do & Isla Canal – 01/02 April 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Accor­ding to the wea­ther fore­cast, we should now have had love­ly sai­ling wind from the south. In rea­li­ty, we are crossing up north against the wind and some rather rough seas. Still 180 nau­ti­cal miles to go to Puer­to Montt. We will see.

Seno Aysén – 01 April 2018

Hap­py Eas­ter! The anchor went down late night. Which was gre­at, we had been sai­ling for quite some time sin­ce we had left our ancho­ra­ge at the Isla Jung­frau­en. And it was good to get to walk again on solid ground! Natu­re has almost got a tro­pi­cal aspect, it is so green and lush, big fern trees are gro­wing ever­y­whe­re like palm trees, and par­rots are making a lot of noi­se.

Seno Aysén - 01 April 2018

Our own Eas­ter bak­ery at work

A second landing takes us to some hot springs, the Ter­mas de Pun­ta Perez. It used to be an unknown place in the wil­der­ness until a few years ago, now tou­rism has left obvious traces. We are obvious­ly get­ting into more civi­li­zed waters again, Puer­to Aysén is not too far away and tou­rist boats and fishing ves­sels are crow­ding the waters.

Caleta Gato - Seno Aysén - 01 April 2018

The forest in Seno Aysén looks almost tro­pi­cal

The hot springs do not form natu­ral hot pools. It is hot ground­wa­ter coming out bet­ween the stones, so you can burn your bum as you sit in shal­low water while your feet get fro­zen at the same time. It is not real­ly that tro­pi­cal yet!

Termas de Punta Perez - Seno Aysén - 01 April 2018

Real­ly hot Hot Springs

Gal­lery – Seno Aysén – 01 April 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Archi­pe­la­go de los Cho­nos – 31 March 2018

Good to be in shel­te­red coas­tal waters again! The surf on the outer coast was very impres­si­ve, not a good place to run aground, as count­less ships did trough the cen­tu­ries. We had our bea­rings right and ente­red Bahía Anna Pink (one of tho­se love­ly pla­cen­a­mes again), the ent­rance to a sys­tem of chan­nels through the Archi­pe­la­go de los Cho­nos. The sea got com­ple­te­ly calm during the mor­ning, the water was like a mir­ror again mid-day.

Canal Pulluche - Archipelago de los Chonos - 31 March 2018

Green trees cove­ring the moun­ta­ins in the Archi­pe­la­go de los Cho­nos

The sun was shi­ning warm­ly and T-shirts and shorts were seen on the sun deck. May­be it was just the impres­si­on under the coin­ci­dence of today’s wea­ther, but ever­y­thing seems to be mil­der than south of the Gol­fo de Penas: the air is warm, the forests are cove­ring the hills up to hig­her alti­tu­des, the land appears green, lush and mild. Nevert­hel­ess, pen­gu­ins are swim­ming around in con­sidera­ble num­bers and fur­ther inland, the­re is one of the big­gest non-polar ice-caps of the Earth. May­be it is real­ly just the wea­ther of today …

Canal Chacabuco - Archipelago de los Chonos - 31 March 2018

Sun­rays hit the water, Canal Chaca­bu­co

Canal Errazuriz - Archipelago de los Chonos - 31 March 2018

Sai­ling in the late evening and during the night, across calm waters and in moon­light, is very atmo­sphe­ric!

Gal­lery – Archi­pe­la­go de los Cho­nos – 31 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Pen­in­su­la de Tai­tao – 30 March 2018

After the sun­ny hikes on the Isla Jung­frau­en, we had to wait out yet ano­ther day while the storm was raging out the­re on open sea.

It was pou­ring rain for most of the day, so the on-board cine­ma was by far the best thing to do.

Peninsula de Taitao - 30 March 2018

Wind, waves and Alba­tros­ses: sai­ling at open sea around the Pen­in­su­la de Tai­tao.

Yes­ter­day, we could final­ly set sail again. We have to get this next leg done, across the Gol­fo de Penas and around the Pen­in­su­la de Ta Ito. We still have 500 nau­ti­cal miles ahead of us to Puer­to Montt, and the days are going quick­ly.

Peninsula de Taitao - 30 March 2018

Alba­tros­ses have an enorm­ous wingspan of more than three meters!

The open sea is always some­thing peo­p­le see with mixed fee­lings: some have to retre­at to their cab­ins while others are enjoy­ing wind and waves. Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of both groups are pre­sent on board. But the sail­ors and pho­to­graph­ers among­st us had a lot to enjoy! We made good speed with up to more than 8 knots, wind and waves in con­stant­ly chan­ging light con­di­ti­ons and many, many sea­birds. From the small pet­rels to the Grea Alba­tros­ses (Wan­de­ring, Nor­t­hern and Sou­thern Roy­al Alba­tross) and a lot in bet­ween.

Gal­lery – Pen­in­su­la de Tai­tao – 30 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Isla Jung­frau­en – 28/29 March 2018

We have got the Gol­fo de Penas ahead of us and thus an open sea pas­sa­ge which will take about one and a half days wit­hout the pro­tec­tion of the coas­tal waters that we have enjoy­ed so far. It is obvious­ly important to have a good wea­ther win­dow for that, which we were sup­po­sed to have now, but rea­li­ty was dif­fe­rent. The wind and sea were quite rough alre­a­dy in the chan­nels, and the latest fore­cast spo­ke a quite dif­fe­rent but very clear lan­guage.

Isla Jungfrauen

Wai­ting for the wind to calm down, Isla Jung­frau­en

So the­re is not much to do but to wait for bet­ter times regar­ding the open sea pas­sa­ge. Some­thing that is gre­at at the time being (later, we will have to catch up again, though), as we have got the Isla Jung­frau­en near­by, which has the beau­tiful Cale­ta Vir­gin. The name of the island („Island of vir­gins“) is inte­res­t­ing, but it does not keep the pro­mi­se, as we have found out by now. But the island has got the beau­tiful Cale­ta Vir­gen, which tur­ned out to be a gre­at place to stay safe­ly with a ship and bey­ond that, it is a gre­at place for hiking! Once you have got bey­ond the usu­al few met­res of den­se coas­tal forest, the land­scape opens up and offers many gre­at hiking oppor­tu­ni­ties over hills and smal­ler moun­ta­ins with stun­ning pan­o­r­amic views, some lakes, wind-bea­ten trees and a lot of ama­zing places to dis­co­ver. An unbe­lie­v­a­b­ly beau­tiful hid­den cor­ner of the pla­net! We were all a bit tired after the last night, but that was quick­ly for­got­ten in the beau­ty of the sce­n­ery. And in here, the wea­ther is gre­at! The Cale­ta is well shel­te­red, so hard­ly noti­ce any­thing of the strong winds and hea­vy seas out­side (on the moun­ta­ins, you can hard­ly stand at times) and the sun is with us most of the day. Love­ly!

Gal­lery – Isla Jung­frau­en – 28/29 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

As men­tio­ned, we will have to catch up again time-wise, the days are going and they are not coming back. But we could not have found a bet­ter place to wait for bet­ter con­di­ti­ons, and when you see the pho­tos, I guess you don’t belie­ve that we are stuck here for wea­ther reasons.

 Isla Jungfrauen

What you can’t see in this pic­tu­re: Due to strong winds you can hard­ly stand on some of the hig­her spots.

Isla Jungfrauen

There’s defi­ni­te­ly no bet­ter place for a day of wai­ting.

Puer­to Edén – 27 March 2018

Sud­den­ly the wea­ther is on our side again and Cale­ta Coli­bri lets us go. The advan­ta­ge of the quick wea­ther chan­ges is that the wea­ther chan­ges quick­ly.

After a night and many miles we reach Puer­to Edén, which real­ly looks like a bit of a gar­den Eden on a day like this, under a blue sky and with mir­ror images on the water. We haven’t had too many days like this!

Puerto Edén

Simp­le but colourful huts in Puer­to Edén

Puer­to Edén is a small vil­la­ge with a few hundred inha­bi­tants, most of them des­cen­dants of the indi­ge­neous popu­la­ti­on of this area. The usu­al, tra­gic histo­ry of colo­ni­al mur­der and dise­a­ses has not left many of them ali­ve, and prac­ti­cal­ly not­hing of their cul­tu­re. Ins­tead, the­re is Puer­to Edén, which star­ted its exis­tance as a small air­force base and still has a mili­ta­ry pre­sence. Bey­ond that, it has a num­ber of simp­le but colourful huts near the shore, which looks beau­tiful. It is love­ly to walk around and enjoy all the views and colours and the wea­ther which feels real­ly medi­ter­ra­ne­an on a rare day like this. Unfort­u­nat­ly, my Colo­bri pho­to from yes­ter­day (or the day befo­re? Time is fly­ing, it is ama­zing!) has lost a lot of value as a rari­ty today, as the­re are a lot of Coli­bris around here and the dedi­ca­ted pho­to­graph­ers got reward­ed for their pati­ence.

Gal­lery – Puer­to Edén – 27 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The­re are even two shops, but both of them fit into a small room. But the­re are fisher­men who come direct­ly to the boat to offer their fresh catch. Deli­cious!

In the after­noon and during the night, we make sure that we get fur­ther north. We have to, the­re are still many miles to go and the wea­ther is per­fect and of rare beau­ty.

Cale­ta Coli­bri – 25 March 2018

Cale­ta Coli­bri is not a place for long hikes. The forest is so den­se that it is sim­ply impos­si­ble to get any­whe­re. I have tried it. It does not work.

But the­re are seve­ral inte­res­t­ing places. In one place, peo­p­le obvious­ly spent a lot of time eating mus­sels. The­re is a big pile of them. Who and when? That’s some­thing we’d also love to know.

A pile of mussels on the beach of Caleta Colibri

Whe­re do all the­se mus­sels come from? Unsol­ved ques­ti­ons in the Cale­ta Coli­bri

You can climb up a tree and it does hard­ly look dif­fe­rent from stan­ding on the ground. Many of them are so den­se­ly cover­ed with mos­ses and all sorts of plants that it looks like the ground. It is all green, ever­y­whe­re.

And, yes, Cale­ta Coli­bri lived up to its name! A small group of dedi­ca­ted pho­to­graph­ers wai­ted pati­ent­ly to get a chan­ce, and we were reward­ed. I would guess it was a Green-backed fire­crown (Sepha­no­ides sepha­no­ides), accor­ding to our book „Bird of Chi­le“.

Gal­lery – Cale­ta Coli­bri – 25 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Now the wind has to calm down a bit so we can con­ti­nue towards Puer­to Edén. That is the next place we are hea­ding for and the first place sin­ce Puer­to Wil­liams whe­re peo­p­le are living. We have to go shop­ping, we are run­ning out of cho­co­la­te and beer.

Hummingbird in the Caleta Colibri

Nomen est omen: Cale­ta Coli­bri

Canal Tres Cor­res – 25 March 2018

After a real Sun­day mor­ning break­fast (scram­bled eggs and fresh rolls!) it was time to move nor­thwards again. Wind and rain in Canal Pitt, stun­ning light later, sun and blue sky alter­na­ting with some light clouds.

The wind is sup­po­sed to pick up again stron­gly tonight, so we deci­de to hide in Cale­ta Coli­bri. A love­ly place for a calm night. And may­be the name keeps the pro­mi­se ..?

Canal Tres Corres

A love­ly bay with a pro­mi­sing name: Cale­ta Coli­bri, Canal Tres Cor­res

Gal­lery – Canal Tres Cor­res – 25 March 2018

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca – 24 March 2018

After a long day out and a fore­cast with a lot of wind for the night, what we nee­ded was a good Cale­ta to pro­vi­de a shel­te­red ancho­ra­ge for a night.

Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca can be recom­men­ded for that pur­po­se. It starts a bit like Decep­ti­on Island: you approach a steep coast, a nar­row ent­rance with rocks in the water, steep cliffs on both sides (a bit gree­ner here than on Decep­ti­on Island), ever­y­bo­dy starts pla­cing bets if the ship will actual­ly fit through it – of cour­se, it works, the skip­per knows what he is doing. Then, a love­ly bay opens, a real pira­te hidea­way. A love­ly place to make a ship storm­pro­of for the night.

Caleta Villarica

Will it fit? It will! Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca

Wal­king in the­se forests is not for the faint-hear­ted. We could have used a chain­saw, ropes and a lad­der for that litt­le walk which in open ter­rain would have taken may­be 10 minu­tes. India­na Jones would have been ama­zed by the den­si­ty of this rain forest.

As always, the view was worth it!

Dense forest in the Caleta Villarica

India­na Jones would have enjoy­ed this: Den­se forest in the Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca

The bay of Caleta Villarica

The ama­zing view over Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca was worth the strugg­le through the bush

Gal­lery – Cale­ta Vil­la­ri­ca – 24 March 2018

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